A research pioneer: Malene Hauxner, 18 September 1942 - 18 January 2012

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When Malene Hauxner defended her doctoral thesis in 1993, she set a new and inspiring altitude for not only Danish but also international landscape architecture research. The thesis and book was entitled Fantasiens Have (The Garden of Imagination) and focused on the modern breakthrough within landscape architecture in the first half of the 20th Century, during 1920-1950. The approach was empirical, internationally oriented and very attentive to theory and method. A decade later the second book arrived, Open to the sky focusing on the post-war period 1950-70. And finally the last volume in the trilogy, titled Supernatur (Super Nature) as a reference to Rem Koolhaas, was launched in the autumn 2010 – just a few weeks before Malene received her terminal diagnosis
Udgave nummer78
Sider (fra-til)13
Antal sider1
StatusUdgivet - 2012

ID: 42008481