CAMPACT: Innovative solutions to combat Campylobacter in the poultry meat production chain. 

The poultry industry has a clear need for new alternative solutions for effective control of Campylobacter in poultry products due to increasing focus on food safety and new demands from authorities to reduce Campylobacter in poultry products. Interventions targeting specific parts of the production chain have not been able to reduce human cases of Campylobacter in Denmark since 1999. Thus, new solutions and a holistic approach for a comprehensive solution throughout the production chain are needed. 

In CAMPACT will identify new biocontrol solutions to effectively combat Campylobacter throughout the value chain to achieve a combined effective reduction in the final product. The solutions are based on brand new concepts for biocontrol based on bacteriophage enzymes and other phage derived solutions and natural bacteria-killing bacteriophages, combined with microencapsulation to enhance stability and killing. Each biocontrol solution will be adapted and optimized for primary production, slaughter and final products in close cooperation with the industry. 

The project is funded by GUDP by 7.0 million Danish Kroner and in this project we collaborate with the poultry industry and food consultants for testing our solutions in primary production and food.