Nina Dam Otten

Nina Dam Otten

Associate Professor

2020 Associate Professor of Veterinary Epidemiology and Jurisprudence, Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences

2018 Post doc, Department of Animal Science, Aarhus University

2016 Diplomat of the European College for Animal Welfare and Behavioural Medicine, subspeciality Animal Welfare Science, Law & Ethics (ECAWBM-AWSEL)

2014 Assistant professor, Section for Animal Welfare & Disease Control

2013 PhD “Risk-based identification of livestock herds with potential animal welfare problems” Department of Large Animal Sciences, Group of Population Biology, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen

Keywords: animal welfare, diagnostic test evaluation, misclassification, dairy cattle, on-farm welfare assessment, risk-based surveillance, teaching

2007-2009 Veterinary practioner, bovine herd health management and equine practice

2007 DVM, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen

ID: 20479154