EU-project PREPARE4VBD held Annual meeting in Kenya
The PREPARE4VBD Project had their 3rd Annual Consortium meeting and summer-school in Kenya.
The EU-funded H2020 PREPARE4VBD project, coordinated by Associate Professor Anna-Sofie Stensgaard, Department for Veterinary and Animal Sciences, UCPH, held its 3rd annual scientific meeting and 2nd summer-school on 26th February – 1st of March 2024 in Nairobi, Kenya. The project focuses on understanding and predicting the spread of zoonotic tick- snail- and mosquito-borne diseases in Africa as well as in Europe.
The meeting was hosted by partner icipe. All 10 Consortium partners were able to attend, including a cohort of internal as well as several external fellows and stakeholders - attracting +50 researchers, students and stakeholders from research institutions in Africa and Europe. The focus of this year’s summer school was on new molecular tools for vector-borne pathogens, including environmental DNA and direct PCR methods for non-invasive and cost-effective detection and monitoring for tick- and snail-borne diseases.
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