Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology
The research group has focus on clinical and preclinical pharmacology and toxicology.
Our main goal is to improve pharmacological therapies for animals, and to develop and characterize preclinical animal models used for studies on pharmacological intervention and exploration of new compounds with possible beneficial effect for diseased humans and animals.
Our main research areas are:
- Cardiovascular and metabolic diseases in pet dogs
- Porcine cardiovascular models
- Antiparasitic drugs against endo- and ectoparasites used for pets and livestock animals
- Pharmacological and toxicological screening of compounds with potential anthelmintic effect, using the free-living worm Caenorhabditis elegans as a preclinical model
Research group Leader:
Professor Lisbeth Høier Olsen
Ridebanevej 9, 2.fl.
1870 Frederiksberg C
Ph: +45 35 33 31 75
Helle Vinberg
Hjerteundersøgelser af Hunde
Hjerteundersøgelser (in Danish)