Andre Luis Alves Neves

Andre Luis Alves Neves

Associate Professor, Guest Researcher

Member of:

    Primary fields of research

    My current research program at the University of Copenhagen aims to examine the short- and long-term impacts of diets on ruminant gut structure and function in order to improve well-being and animal production. Another topic of my research is discovering novel enzymes from the rumen microbiome to break down lignocellulosic biomass and chemical products to mitigate enteric greenhouse gas emissions.

    Current research




    Novo Nordisk Foundation - Exploratory Interdisciplinary Synergy Programme (NNF21OC0070790). Denmark. (2022-2025). PI



    EMBRAPA - Brazil. “Technological innovations to improve dairy production in the Brazilian semi-arid region”. (2009-2012). PI

    CNPq - Brazil. “Forage and alternative feedstuffs for dairy cattle raised in the Northeastern region of Brazil”. (2009-2014). WP-leader

    EMBRAPA - Brazil. “RumenGases Brazil – Development of strategies to mitigate methane emissions in ruminants.(2011-2015). Recipient

     EMBRAPA - Brazil. Divergence in nutrient concentration, in-vitro degradation and gas production potential of spineless cactus genotypes selected for insect resistance”. (2011-2013)”. Recipient




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