The EXFIMO group focuses on fish as experimental animal models. We primarily use rainbow trout and zebrafish in our work. We aim to develop new tools for the aquaculture industry as well as understanding immunology from a basic scientific point of view.
We wish to expand our zebrafish model to include relevant scientific areas - not only related to fish.
How do migrating parasitic worms escape the perils of the host immune system? A 3D-omics resolution of host/parasite interactions
Parasitic worms penetrate host organisms and migrate through the body to their target destination without getting killed by the host immune system. This is an amazing task for a foreign organism big enough to be visible by the naked eye. Yet we have very limited knowledge about how the parasite manage the migration and the battle that goes on inside the host between parasite and immune system. We have a unique opportunity to optically 3D document host/parasite interactions real-time inside a living organism by studying worm infections in zebrafish. We will use transgenic lines of zebrafish which facilitate in vivo real-time imaging of host immunologically relevant defence mechanisms as well as worm penetration and immune evasive strategies. We will also elucidate immune evasive strategies of the parasite using proteomics and identify factors secreted to manipulate the host. This high-resolution 3D model will provide a platform to explain complicated host/parasite interactions.
STRØMPISTOLEN (GUDP): Udvikling af vandbehandlingsenhed til reduktion af patogen load i landbaseret akvakultur.
Anvendelse af miljø-eNA-teknologi til ikke-invasiv og hurtig påvisning af fiskepatogener i dansk akvakultur on-site. Read the Press release
RASOPTA (Horizon2020 ITN)
Safeguarding future production of fish in aquaculture systems with water recirculation.
ZEBRAFISH: The zebrafish as an experimental model
Aktivt slam og intelligent sygdomskontrol (Europæiske Hav- og Fiskeristyrelse (EHFF)
Resistance genes (DFF)
Den Usynlige verden (KUs almene fond)
- Ecoprawn (DANIDA)
- Profishience (GUDP)
- Epigenome Microbiome Interactions with GLOBE
- Linking host and parasite microbiomes to probe the nature of parasitism
- Zebrafish and CRISPR/CAS with GLOBE
Group Leader
Louise von Gersdorff Jørgensen
Associate Professor
Phone +45 +4535332769 Cell: +4522833464
EXFIMO Group/project members
Name | Title | Phone | |
Duan, Yajiao | Postdoc | +4535325382 | |
Gelskov, Sara Vebæk | Research Assistant | +4522877969 | |
Jørgensen, Louise von Gersdorff | Associate Professor | +4535332769 | |
Kanaki, Aikaterini Petroula | Attendant FU | +4535326697 | |
Marana, Moonika Haahr | Assistant Professor | +4535333127 | |
Mathiessen, Heidi | Postdoc | +4535335452 |
Visiting fellows |
Period |
Master students |
Start | |