The section studies parasites and other infections in humans and animals including fish. The main focus is on population and infection biology, host immunity and parasite-induced immune-modulation, parasitic zoonoses and control.
We use animal models and in vitro systems and develops diagnostics, vaccines and prevention and control programs. Traditionally we have a strong focus on collaboration with developing countries.
Aquatic Pathobiology Lab (AQUA)
We work with fish health and fish welfare. We focus on vaccinology, basic immunology, diagnostics and treatments. -
Experimental Fish Models (EXFIMO)
CRISPR, zebrafish, fish models, fish health and welfare. -
Parasites, Vectors and the Environment (PARAENVI)
Research in helminth infections and malaria in humans; the impact of drug based treatment and disease control, infection, transmission, host immune response. -
Parasites, Immunology and Gut Health (PIGH)
We work on molecular and immunoparasitology, and interactions between gut parasites, the microbiota, and host diet and metabolism. -
Veterinary Parasitology (VETPAR)
Focus on parasite infections in domestic animals applying field studies, animal experimental models and advanced in vitro systems, encompassing parasites, their biology, disease impact and control.
Global Network for Geospatial Health (GnosisGis)
- Danish network for international health
Cysticercosis Working Group in Eastern and Southern Africa
Danish Society for Tropical Medicine and International Health
- WHO Collaborating Centre for Research and Training on Neglected and other Parasitic Zoonoses
- FAO Collaborating Centre for Helminthology
- Mandahl-Barth Research Centre for Biodiversity and Health
- Parasite Technologies (Paratec). This company produces parasite materials for use in attempts to develop new methodologies for the treatment of auto-immune diseases.
Contact: Parasite Technologies A/S, Dr. Neergaards Vej 3, DK-2970 Hørsholm
Professor Stig M. Thamsborg
Building 1-05
Dyrlægevej 100, 2nd floor
Building 1-35
Stigbøjlen 7
DK - 1870 Frederiksberg C
Kirsten Grønlund Andersen
Phone: + 45 3533 1401
Name | Title | Phone | |
Buchmann, Kurt | Professor | +4535332700 | |
Christiansen, Lise-Lotte | Laboratory Technician | +4535332747 | |
Duan, Yajiao | Postdoc | +4535325382 | |
Fernandez Gonzalez, Carlota Marola | Guest Researcher | +4535328581 | |
Gelskov, Sara Vebæk | Research Assistant | +4522877969 | |
Henard, Cyril Pierre Frederic | PhD Fellow | +4535323641 | |
Imran, Fareeha | Visiting PhD Student | ||
Jaafar, Rzgar | Attendant FU | +4535333137 | |
Jakobsen, Emil D.T. | Laboratory Technician | +4535327693 | |
Jensen, Hannah Malene | Guest Researcher | +4535334790 | |
Jensen, Anne Majgaard | PhD Fellow | +4535328540 | |
Johannsen, Malene Louise | External, Ph.d Student | +4535323588 | |
Jørgensen, Louise von Gersdorff | Associate Professor | +4535332769 | |
Kanaki, Aikaterini Petroula | Attendant FU | +4535326697 | |
Kania, Per | Associate Professor | +4535332740 | |
Karami, Asma | Postdoc | +4535337095 | |
Klein-Ipsen, Pernille | Research Assistant | +4535329678 | |
Kumas, Kaan | Research Assistant | ||
Madsen, Henry | Emeritus | ||
Marana, Moonika Haahr | Assistant Professor | +4535333127 | |
Mathiessen, Heidi | PhD Fellow | +4535335452 | |
Mejer, Helena | Senior Adviser | +4535332789 | |
Pan, Geng | Research Assistant | +4535329241 | |
Pedersen, Amalie Camilla | Research Assistant | +4535323865 | |
Petersen, Frederik Fuhs | Attendant FU | +4535330164 | |
Raza, Ali | Assistant Professor | +4535326893 | |
Rodríguez Vázquez, Raquel | External Postdoc | ||
Rotovnik, Rosalina | PhD Fellow | ||
Schou, Sofie Kalum | Academic Research Staff | +4535335211 | |
Sengupta, Mita Eva | Assistant Professor | +4535331418 | |
Severin, Natacha Leininger | PhD Fellow | +4535328828 | |
Sharma, Mona | Postdoc | +4535334846 | |
Stensgaard, Anna-Sofie | Associate Professor | +4535336588 | |
Thamsborg, Stig Milan | Professor | +4535333778 | |
Upfold, Jennifer Kate | Guest Researcher | ||
Vedsted-Jakobsen, Amalie | PhD Fellow | +4535329726 | |
Vennervald, Birgitte J | Professor | +4535331440 | |
Williams, Andrew Richard | Associate Professor | +4535332797 | |
van der Deure, Tiem | PhD Fellow | +4535333615 | |
von Münchow, Alexandra Soraya G L | PhD Fellow |