Parasites, Immunology and Gut Health (PIGH)

The objective of our research is to understand the interactions between gastrointestinal pathogens and host immune function and metabolism. We aim to develop new tools which can be used to promote intestinal health, regulate inflammation and control disease.

"Our overall aim is to understand how intestinal pathogens interact with the host diet, immune system and microbiome, and use this knowledge to develop new tools to promote gut health in animals and humans’", Associate Professor Andrew Williams, Group Leader.




















































Group leader

Group Leader

Andrew Williams
Associate Professor

Phone +45 3532 7051

Group/project members

Name Title Phone E-mail
Jakobsen, Emil D.T. Laboratory Technician +4535327693 E-mail
Jensen, Anne Majgaard PhD Fellow +4535328540 E-mail
Pan, Geng PhD Fellow +4535329241 E-mail
Sharma, Mona Postdoc +4535334846 E-mail
Vedsted-Jakobsen, Amalie PhD Fellow +4535329726 E-mail
Williams, Andrew Richard Associate Professor +4535332797 E-mail
von Münchow, Alexandra Soraya G L PhD Fellow   E-mail

External researchers

Name Email
Katrine Damgaard Winther, PhD student

Master students

Eva Katrine Kjær Rasmussen, 1.8.2024

Sara Fuglsang Olsen, 1.8.2024


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