Danish Udder Health Center

Contact: Carsten Kirkeby, e-mail: ckir@sund.ku.dk


Intramammary inflammation (IMI) is a major challenge on modern dairy farms, causing reduced animal welfare, reduced milk production and reduced income for the farmer. IMI is often caused by bacteria circulating within the farm, infecting the quarters of the udder either through direct transmission via milk liners and equipment, or through the environment. In order to address this challenge, research is necessary to know more about the specific transmission pathways and pathogens. In Denmark, high quality data from dairy cows are gathered in high numbers. This data has a huge potential to be used together with additional sampling (e.g. milk and environmental samples) for research aiming to increase udder health.

Purpose of the Project

The Danish udder health centre is initiated to ensure a coordinated research regarding mastitis (IMI), between the different relevant institutes in Denmark, and to enhance the implementation of research results in the field.

  1. Improve our understanding of the IMI causative pathogens in Denmark, including pathogen extent, prevalence, occurrence, diagnostics, biology, virulence and interaction with the host.
  2. Investigate strategies that cost-effectively can improve udder health and reduce SCC and antimicrobial usage in Danish dairy cattle herds.
  3. Enhance the Implementation of cost-effective control strategies to limit the occurrence of mastitis via improved communication with farmers and veterinarians.
  4. Ensure a constant flow of new research findings to udder health advisors via courses, workshops and meetings.

The Danish Udder Health Centre is a collaboration between SEGES and the University of Copenhagen.