TIPTON group

The Research Group for Infectious Disease Epidemiology & Animal Health Economics (TIPTON Group) has the goal of better understanding, forecasting, and preventing infectious diseases in the veterinary and public health sectors. 

TIPTON’s primary focus is to promote the application of effective, efficient, and evidence-based preventative and/or therapeutic interventions against infectious agents by developing cutting-edge computational inference and simulation models to address queries related to epidemiology and economics posed by veterinary authorities and the livestock sector in Denmark and internationally. We also support our colleagues in the application of computational techniques such as statistical, inference and artificial intelligence analysis of big datasets for different topics.

The group aims to advance global projects in infectious epidemiology and animal health economics through trans- and interdisciplinary collaborations with other divisions, departments, and institutions. 

TIPTON group members




  • Elma Dervic (Engineer) from the Complexity Science Hub Vienna, Austria 
  • Valentina Suprani (Economist) from University of Bologna, Italy 
  • Eleftherios Meletis (Epidemiologist) from the University of Thessaly, Greece 
  • Emanuele Massaro (Environment engineer of complex systems) from the European Commission. Joint Research Centre (JRC): Forests and Bio-Economy Unit
  • We are associated with the Complexity Science Hub Vienna, Austria



  • Franz Ferdinand Roch
  • Moritz Hartmann
  • Viktoria Neubauer
  • Chaughtai Muhammad Sharjeel



Master Students

  • Camilla Bro Gregersen (2024)
  • Kristine Berg Hansen (2023)
  • Michael Brunauer (2021: Published in Animals)
  • Stefan Thomaser (2021)
  • Alexander Gense (2020)
  • Marc Dangelmaier (2020)
  • Elisabeth Kattwinkel (2019:Published in Veterinary Records)
  • Katharina Snoek (2018)
  • Scharnböck, Bettina (2018: Published in Nature Scientific Reports)
  • Franz-Ferdinand Roch (2018)
  • Veronika Richter (2017: Published in The Veterinary Journal as best Paper)
  • Bianca Gindl (2015)


Former PhD Students

  • Johannes Klinger (2018-2021)
  • Tatiana Marschik (2018-2021)
  • Veronika Richter (2020-2023)



The TIPTON Group is currently involved in the following projects: 

  • WiLiMAN-ID Horizon Europe Project (2023-2028): Ecology of wildlife, livestock, human and infectious diseases in changing environments. In this project, we are going to develop a preparedness index for early detection and outbreak response of infectious diseases in Europe and develop joint socio-economic metric for the impacts of animal infectious diseases. Further, we are optimizing interventions for emerging and endemic diseases based on mechanistic modeling and optimization theory in disease free-zones and infected zones. In this project we will contribute in modeling challenges between different modelling groups across different EU countries to support the decisions of veterinary authorities related to outbreak response. In this project we work together with 17 partners from 13 EU countries. 
  • Biosecure Horizon Europe Project (2023-2026): Enhanced and cost-effective biosecurity in livestock production. In this project, we will develop farm-level risk assessment models and economically assess biosecurity measures at the farm level and consider in the economic assessment the issue of double-counting of biosecurity effects and to inform farmers about uncertainties in the disease burden estimator with and without implementation of biosecurity measures. Further, we will model epidemiological impact of biosecurity practices at territorial level and assess the economic impacts of biosecurity policy scenarios. In this project we work together with 14 partners from 11 countries to improve the knowledge of the impact of biosecurity measures on disease introduction and spread as well as analyze associated impacts on cost- and production function for farmers. 
  • ENHANCE DANIDA Project (2023-2028): In this project, we will investigate the climate influence on zoonoses at human-livestock-wildlife interfaces in the transboundary region between Kenya and Tanzania. In this project we work together mainly with colleagues from Kenya and Tanzania. 
  • EUFMD Project (2021-2024): In this project, we are investigating and simulating different outbreak scenarios and intervention measures including capacities to manage FMD outbreaks in Denmark and to support veterinary authorities to set up an appropriate resource planning for Denmark. In this project we work together with the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration and FAO. 
  • PRRS Spread model (2022-2025): In this project, we are going to develop a PRRS spread model for Denmark by considering the spread via airborne, direct and indirect contacts, local transmission and impact of mitigation measures such as vaccination and quarantine of traded pigs as well as the effect of different risk areas. The main aim is to identify the best mitigation measures and to predict new infection in a local context based on new potential implemented intervention measures to reduce PRRS infection in Denmark. In this project we work together with SEGES Innovation and Danish Agriculture and Food Council. 
  • Cost Better (2022-2025): Biosecurity Enhanced Through Training Evaluation and Raising Awareness. In this project, we work on the effectiveness and efficiency of different biosecurity measures to reduce disease introduction and disease spread for selected animal diseases. 
  • Salmonella Dublin Spread model (2022-2025): In this project, we investigate the network properties over time between cattle farms in Denmark and quantify the infection probability by considering different transmission pathways. These outcomes will be used to feed the Salmonella Dublin Spread Model for Denmark and to investigate the impact of different mitigation measures to reduce the prevalence of S. Dublin in the cattle population by considered already existing implemented mitigation measures. In this project we work together with SEGES Innovation, DTU and the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration.
  • PAHW (2024-2027):
    The TIPTON Group is involved in three WPs of the European Partnership on Animal Health and Welfare.

    1. Rapid Risk Assessment: Improvement of epidemic intelligence methodologies (Chair: Beate Conrady)
    2. Assess the economic and societal burden of selected priority diseases and production diseases
    3. Biosecurity measures to prevent and control AID on farm and during transport taking into account effects on animal welfare








1. CPH Pig Seminar, Up to Date with Pig Research, 1. February, Copenhagen, Denmark

Beate Conrady gave an oral presentation about: The PRRS Spread Model for Denmark driven by pig movements and mitigation measures.

 2. Kick-off meeting of the European Partnerships on Animal Health and Welfare, 26-27. February, Brussels, Belgian

Oral presentation by Beate Conrady with the title: Rapid Risk Assessment: Improvement of epidemic intelligence methodologies.

Group photo - larger crowdGroup photo

3. Launch event of the European Partnerships on Agroecology and on Animal Health and Welfare, European Commission, 28 February, Brussels, Belgian

Beate Conrady participated in the panel discussion of the European Partnerships on Animal Health and Welfare at the European Commission. 

4. SVPME Conference 20-22 March 2024 - Uppsala, Sweden

The TIPTON Group presented 2 oral presentations and 2 posters at the SVPME Conference in Uppsala, Sweden.

Poster presentation by Ofosuhene Okofrobour Apenteng with the title: Predicting Culex pipiens/restuans population dynamics using a weather driven dynamic compartmental population model.

Ofosuhene Apenteng by poster

  • Poster Pitch presentation by Beate Conrady with the title: European partnership on animal health and welfare: Initiatives for Rapid Risk Assessment.

Beate Conrady by poster

  • Oral presentation by Beate Conrady with the title: Impacts of cattle movement network activities on the spread of Salmonella Dublin between cattle farms in Denmark between 2010 and 2020.

Beate Conrady giving presentation

  • Oral presentation by Philip Rasmussen with the title: Can the Danish Veterinary Authorities meet their key performance indicator targets in the event of a foot-and-mouth disease outbreak?

5. Complexity Science Hub Vienna, 15 May 2024, Vienna, Austria

    Oral presentation by Beate Conrady with the title: Multi-Site Business Cluster-Network Analysis of Danish Cattle farms. 

    6. WILIMAN-ID Annual Kick off Meeting, 22-24. May 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark

      Hosted by Beate Conrady (UCPH). 

      Group photo outsideGroup photo some participants inside

      7. Biosecure Annual Kick off Meeting, 28-29. May 2024, Tallinn, Estonia

        Oral presentation by Beate Conrady with the title: Use of disease occurrence, animal movement, wildlife and other public available databases to create biosecurity risk maps. 

        8. European Partnership on Animal Health & Welfare Annual Kick off Meeting, 5-6 June 2024, Thessaloniki, Greece

        Invited Oral presentation by Beate Conrady: Animal Infectious Diseases: Terms, Methods, and Activities.

        Poster presentation by Dima Farra with the title: The economics of preventing and providing prophylaxis for selected diseases

        Poster presentation by You Chang with the title: Data link model for epidemic intelligence methodologies

        Beate Conrady giving speechThe group in ThessalonikiYou Chang

        9. Invited Lecture by Beate Conrady at the Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences. Estonian University of Life Sciences, 8th August, Tallinn, Estonia

        10. Invited Panel discussion at the One Health panel at Opinion Festival in Estonia, under the topic “Strengthening One Health: Addressing Cross-border Threats”, Opinion Festival, 9th August, Paide, Estonia

        Beate Conrady speaks

        11, Hosted by Beate Conrady: Rapid Risk Assessment Workshop and Kick-off Meeting: Improvement of epidemic intelligence methodologies; European Partnership on Animal Health and Welfare, 3rd-5th September, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

        12. Beate Conrady participated in the One Health Strengthening Europe Network Meeting, 8-11. September in Amsterdam

        13. Poster presentation by Dima Farra at the ECVPH AGM & Annual Scientific Conference 2024 with the title: A farm-level input-output model to optimize emission reduction strategies, 11-13. September 2024 in Liverpool/UK

        Dima Farra and Hans Houe

        14. The TIPTON Group will present 1 oral presentation and 2 posters at the 8th World One Health Congress Cape Town, 20-23 September 2024, Cape Town, South Africa

        Poster presentation by Ana Rita Marques with the title: A compartment and agent-based model to simulate the spread of Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus in Denmark

        Poster presentation by Ofosuhene Okofrobour Apenteng with the title: Utilising public domain datasets to identify the important variables associated with the occurrence of African swine fever

        Oral presentation by Beate Conrady with the title: Evidence of Salmonella Dublin transmissions via trade despite implemented movements restrictions between Danish cattle farmers

        15. Open Session 2024 of the EuFMD Standing Technical Committee, 29-31 October 2024, Alcalá de Henares, Spain. 

        Oral presentation by Beate Conrady with the title: Can the Danish veterinary authorities achieve their key performance indicator targets in the event of a foot-and-mouth disease outbreak? 

        Poster presentation by Beate Conrady with the title: Impact of external biosecurity measures on the spread of FMD in Denmark

        16. H2020 MOOD conference: “Monitoring Outbreak Events for Disease Surveillance in a Data Science Context”, 26th-28th November 2024, Rome, Italy

        Invited oral presentation by Beate Conrady with the title: Reaching out to users and impacts for Improved Epidemic Intelligence in Europe