Animal Production, Nutrition and Health

Undersøgelse af ko

This section is host to 5 areas of livestock production science;

  • Pig Health (Jens Peter Nielsen)
  • Pig Nutrition and Feeding (Anni Øyan Pedersen)
  • Cattle Health (Volker Krömker)
  • Data & Modelling (Anders R. Kristensen)
  • Porcine Health Management (Ken Steen Pedersen)

The work is especially focused on livestock in herds. By basing the teaching as well as the research on existing herds, we can ensure that what we do is aimed towards the conditions in the real world of livestock production businesses. The course of our academic work is strengthened by this direct link to reality.






Careful gathering of reliable data has been a significant prerequisite for the success of Danish livestock production.  New technologies make it possible to monitor animal behavior in detail, even though e.g. cattle- and pig herds are increasing in size. Automatically collected data can be used to ensure the welfare and health of the animals.

"A sow with an attached accelerometer will reveal a great many details about her health condition through her patterns of movement. We can determine if the sow is sick, in heat, or in a difficult farrowing from such measurements ", says Professor Jens Peter Nielsen. In order to prevent diseases and lameness in the sows, we are developing methods to identify those animals, which are at higher risk and thus require special attention. Improved diagnostics of diseases helps towards a more targeted use of antibiotics, and thus help to reduce the development of resistant bacteria. 

In a dairy in freestall barns, even more measurements can be obtained, e.g. in connection with the examination of the milk, which is collected by the milking robots. If anything is out of the ordinary, the monitoring system will automatically detect it and alert the farmer via text message.  


The task of the researchers is to handle the enormous amounts of statistical and mathematical data, analyze and interpret those data and make them useful for practical purposes. The section has a well-established cooperation with herd owners, advisors, veterinarians, and branch organizations, such as Danish Cattle (Dansk Kvæg) and Danish Pig Production (Dansk Svineproduktion).

Selected herds are attended by veterinarians and animal scientists from the section, who cooperates with internal and external partner laboratories. In the context of research, the section cooperates with such scientific groups as Population biology, which work towards balancing efficiency, health and welfare in livestock production. Another core field is a sustainable approach to agriculture, food products and people in developing countries. 






Through a close collaboration with herd owners, counsellors, veterinarians, authorities, and branch organizations, we gain access to herds as well as insight into the current conditions in the business of livestock productions.

Careful gathering of reliable data has been a significant prerequisite for the success of Danish livestock production.  New technologies make it possible to monitor animal behavior in detail, even though e.g. cattle- and pig herds are increasing in size. Automatically collected data can be used to ensure the welfare and health of the animals.

In a dairy in freestall barns, even more measurements can be obtained, e.g. in connection with the examination of the milk, which is collected by the milking robots. If anything is out of the ordinary, the monitoring system will automatically detect it and alert the farmer via text message. 

The task of the researchers is to handle the enormous amounts of statistical and mathematical data, analyze and interpret those data and make them useful for practical purposes. The section has a well-established cooperation with herd owners, advisors, veterinarians, and branch organizations, such as Danish Cattle (Dansk Kvæg) and Danish Pig Production (Dansk Svineproduktion).



The education of animal science- and livestock veterinarian students is mostly based on project work, and a focus is put on cooperation with herd veterinarians, clients, consultants, abattoirs, and other universities.

Advanced Livestock and Equine Production Science

Advanced Quantitative Methods in Herd Management



Animals and Sustainability

Besætnings- og folkesundhed

Besætningsrådgivning og Veterinær   Folkesundhed


Dyr, mennesker og samfund

Dyrs ernæring og præstation


Experimental Animal Nutrition and   Physiology


Klima i og omkring stalde

Livestock and Equine Production Science

Nutrition and Management of Companion and Exotic Animals

Praktisk besætnings-rådgivning og kødkontrol

Project in Practice in Animal Science








































Head of section

Associate professor Anni Øyan Pedersen
Phone.: +45 35 33 20 97

Billedstørrelse 550x300px


Grønnegårdsvej 2
DK-1870 Frederiksberg C


Name Title Phone E-mail
Amanda Brinch Kruse Assistant Professor +4535332870 E-mail
Anders Ringgaard Kristensen Professor +4535333091 E-mail
Andre Luis Alves Neves Associate Professor +4535331580 E-mail
Anja Varmløse Strathe Associate Professor +4535320670 E-mail
Anna Skytte Sørensen Student Assistant E-mail
Anne-Helene Tauson Guest Researcher +4535333039 E-mail
Anne-Sofie Glavind External, Ph.d Student +4535337997 E-mail
Anni Christiansen Laboratory Technician +4535330760 E-mail
Anni Øyan Pedersen Associate Professor +4535332097 E-mail
Ayoe Daubjerg Fisher Student Assistant E-mail
Bjarne Schmidt Bjerg Associate Professor +4535333586 E-mail
Carl-Emil Risum Rauer Student Assistant +4535336211 E-mail
Carolina Mendes Galante Merca PhD Fellow +4535325515 E-mail
Christina Larsen Assistant Professor +4535335594 E-mail
Dan Børge Jensen Associate Professor +4535333021 E-mail
Dorte Rebbe Teacher, external E-mail
Dorte Bay Lastein Teaching Associate Professor +4535332732 E-mail
Emma Marie Neale Student Assistant E-mail
Emma Melchior H Christensen Research Assistant +4535321310 E-mail
Esben Østergaard Eriksen Guest Researcher +4535326968 E-mail
Helle Stege Associate Professor +4535332836 E-mail
Inge Larsen Associate Professor +4593509552 E-mail
Jasmin Jensen Kiesbuy Student Assistant E-mail
Jeanne Talchow Oakman Research Group Secretary +4535333585 E-mail
Jens Peter Nielsen Professor +4535333583 E-mail
Johannes Gulmann Madsen Associate Professor +4535331040 E-mail
Karen Lizeth Tajonar García Guest Researcher +4535324795 E-mail
Ken Steen Pedersen Professor +4530576336 E-mail
Kimmie Kyed Lyderik PhD Fellow +4535335092 E-mail
Laura Bjerre Rosengren Student Assistant +4535333508 E-mail
Leonardo Victor de Knegt Associate Professor +4535324062 E-mail
Lotte Ørbæk Laboratory Technician +4535320311 E-mail
Luiz Gustavo Ribeiro Pereira Associate Professor +4535331254 E-mail
Mahdi Faalmaleki Postdoc +4535327611 E-mail
Malene Kjelin Morsing Assistant Professor +4535325375 E-mail
Marie-Louise Elisabeth L Hansen Research Assistant +4535337265 E-mail
Martin Peter Rydal Postdoc +4535326111 E-mail
Mathilde Bender Markvardsen Research Assistant E-mail
Moritz Alexander Pfeiffer PhD Fellow +4535330024 E-mail
Nadia Jakobsen PhD Fellow +4535327123 E-mail
Nadja Alsted PhD Fellow +4535325687 E-mail
Peder Nørgaard Teaching Associate Professor +4535333033 E-mail
Pia Rudolph Heiselberg PhD Fellow +4535337529 E-mail
Rajan Dhakal Industrial Postdoc +4535332584 E-mail
Rasmus Bovbjerg Jensen Part-time Lecturer E-mail
Rasmus Jelle Syhler Animal Keeper +4535327373 E-mail
Rikke Rosendal Student Assistant +4535321364 E-mail
Sally Veronika Hansen Postdoc +4535329590 E-mail
Selma Beck Korzen Student Assistant E-mail
Sofie Hougård Knudsen Student FU +4535333554 E-mail
Svenja Woudstra Assistant Professor +4535332405 E-mail
Volker Krömker Visiting Professor +4535322291 E-mail