22 May 2024

New project on calf diarrhea

Rikke H. Olsen has been granted 837.000 dkr. for the Danish milk levy fond to investigate which types of Escherichia coli are associated with diarrhea in Danish calves in 2024.

It has been generally accepted that E. coli equipped with a specific fimbriae (F5) is the most prevalent type of diarrhea-associated E. coli. However, a preliminary study from 2022 showed that F5 positive E. coli is less frequently found among E. coli associated with diarrhea.

In the present study field isolates of E. coli will be provided by LVK and SEGES and characterized at KU.

The project will provide insight to which types of F5-negative E. coli are present in calves with diarrhea and will provide data to guide on prophylaxis measures (e.g. vaccine) in the future.
