Professor Poul Hyttel awarded AETE Pioneer award
September 13th, Poul Hyttel was awarded the Association for Embryo Technology in Europe (AETE) - Pioneer Award. The festive ceremony took place in Murcia, Spain.
Poul Hyttel gave a lecture on Oocytes, embryos and pluripotent stem cells from a biomedical perspective.
In the motivation for why Poul Hyttel should receive the award, Trudee Fair amongst other referred to these facts;
"Professor Poul Hyttel is an internationally recognized scientist in the field of biomedicine, animal and human stem cells and early embryonic development. His research profile exemplifies the principle of ‘One Health’: Poul’s current research activities centre around pluripotent animal and human stem cells and in vitro embryo production.
In 2015, Poul founded the transnational Stem Cell Centre of Excellence in Neurology, BrainStem, supported by Innovation Fund Denmark. Here advanced stem cell technologies such as human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and gene editing are used for modelling neurodegeneration (e.g. Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease). The iPSC activities have been reflected back towards veterinary medicine, where Poul leads a project investigating the condition, canine cognitive dysfunction, using canine iPSCs.
However, Poul has never drifted too far from his bovine embryology roots; his research came full circle with the recent funding of the project ‘EliteOva’, by Innovation Fund Denmark, the aim of which is to optimize emerging technologies for in vitro embryo production and genomic selection of embryos in Danish cattle breeding.
To-date, Prof. Poul Hyttel has authored more than 280 refereed international articles, he has been the principal supervisor of more than 40 PhD-students and postdoctoral fellows and has attracted more than €18 million funding from the EU, NIH and Danish Funding Instruments for research projects.
Prof. Hyttel has received numerous honours and esteemed leadership positions in our field. Most notably, Prof Poul Hyttel was President of the International Embryo Transfer Society in 1997, in 2011 he was awarded Doctor Honoris Causa at University of Antwerp, Belgium, in 2015 he was knighted 1st Class Order for his services to Denmark and in 2018 he was awarded Doctor Honoris Causa at Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tartu, Estonia".
"Kære Poul, tak for alt, tillykke med hvad du har opnået og de varmeste ønsker for fortsat lykke".
Trudee Fair M.Agr.Sci., PhD.
Associate Professor
School of Agriculture and Food Science
University College Dublin, Ireland.
Visit the Association for Embryo Technology in Europe (AETE) website
Read the key note lecture review paper via the link here below: