Comparative Pediatrics and Nutrition

The vision of CPN is to improve the survival and health of animals and humans in early life. Morbidity and mortality are very high in the first period of life, particularly if development is compromised (e.g., by preterm birth, growth restriction or infections). Using translational science, we work cross-disciplinary, from basic studies in cells and organs to preclinical studies in animals (pig, mice) and applied clinical studies in mothers and children, and investigate how nutritional interventions, gut microbiota and infections affect development, disease and survival in the first phase of life of both humans and animal species.

We work closely with Danish and international university partners and industry to study effects of (milk) diets, nutrients, microbiota or pharmacological interventions in cell/tissue models and animals such as newborn pigs. To secure that the research on cells and animals can be translated into solutions for animal and human patients, we have established a collaborative network with Danish and international hospital units (e.g., pediatrics, neonatology, surgery, intensive care, clinical chemistry).

Graphic of the structure of the section
Click on the image for larger version


Head of Section

Thomas Thymann

Professor Thomas Thymann
Dyrlægevej 68
1870 Frederiksberg C
Tlf.: +45 35 33 26 22

Foto af Malene Cilieborg

Scientific administrator
Malene Skovsted Cilieborg
Dyrlægevej 68
DK-1870 Frederiksberg C
Phone: +45 35 33 36 31

NeoSearch group

A platform for pre-clinical testing of pediatric pharmaceuticals, foods (infant formula, pre/probiotics, supplements) and medical devices in piglet models.

Associate Professor Yanqi Li
Dyrlægevej 68
DK-1870 Frederiksberg C


Name Title Phone E-mail
Anders Brunse Assistant Professor +4535337262 E-mail
Britta Karlsson Laboratory Technician +4535324637 E-mail
Duc Ninh Nguyen Associate Professor +4535333250 E-mail
Fei Gao Associate Professor E-mail
Jane Connie Povlsen Animal Keeper +4535331452 E-mail
Jingren Zhong Guest Researcher E-mail
Kristina Kjær Larsen Laboratory Technician. +4535326618 E-mail
Kristine Holgersen External +4535334875 E-mail
Line Iadsatian Christiansen Postdoc +4535330359 E-mail
Mads Jacob Niemann Guest Researcher +4535322300 E-mail
Malene Roed Spiegelhauer External, Ph.d Student +4535324693 E-mail
Malene Skovsted Cilieborg Project Coordinator +4535333631 E-mail
Ole Bæk Postdoc +4535330104 E-mail
Per Torp Sangild Professor +4535332698 E-mail
Ping-Ping Jiang Guest Researcher +4535324364 E-mail
Simone Margaard Offersen Research Assistant +4535334432 E-mail
Stanislava Pankratova Associate Professor +4535335256 E-mail
Thomas Thymann Professor +4535332622 E-mail
Vibeke Brix Christensen Associate Professor E-mail