Normal Weight Dyslipidemia: Is It All About the Liver?

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftReviewForskningfagfællebedømt

Objective: The liver coordinates lipid metabolism and may play a vital role in the development of dyslipidemia, even in the absence of obesity. Normal weight dyslipidemia (NWD) and patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) who do not have obesity constitute a unique subset of individuals characterized by dyslipidemia and metabolic deterioration. This review examined the available literature on the role of the liver in dyslipidemia and the metabolic characteristics of patients with NAFLD who do not have obesity.

Methods: PubMed was searched using the following keywords: nonobese, dyslipidemia, NAFLD, NWD, liver, and metabolically obese/unhealthy normal weight. Additionally, article bibliographies were screened, and relevant citations were retrieved. Studies were excluded if they had not measured relevant biomarkers of dyslipidemia.

Results: NWD and NAFLD without obesity share a similar abnormal metabolic profile. When compared with patients with NAFLD who have obesity, the metabolic abnormalities of NAFLD without obesity are similar or less severe. Furthermore, hepatic lesions develop independent of obesity, and the extent of dyslipidemia seems comparable.

Conclusions: NAFLD may impair hepatic lipid handling, causing faulty lipid homeostasis, and serves as a likely starting point for initiation and propagation of dyslipidemia along with associated comorbidities in patients without obesity.
Udgave nummer3
Sider (fra-til)556-567
Antal sider12
StatusUdgivet - mar. 2016

ID: 165609261