High-throughput screen identifying the thiosemicarbazone NSC319726 compound as a potent antimicrobial lead against resistant strains of Escherichia coli

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Antibiotic discovery is vital when considering the increasing antimicrobial resistance threat. The aim of this work was to provide a high-throughput screen (HTS) assay using multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli strains to enable further research into antimicrobial lead discovery and identify novel antimicrobials. This study describes a primary HTS of a diverse library of 7884 small molecules against a susceptible E. coli strain. A secondary screening of 112 molecules against four E. coli strains with different susceptibility profiles revealed NSC319726 as a potential antimicrobial lead serving as a novel template. NSC319726 is a good candidate for an analoguing program.

Udgave nummer4
StatusUdgivet - 2018

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ID: 212860448