Section for Pathobiological Sciences

The section for Pathobiological Sciences (PAS) is a part of the Department for Veterinary and Animal Sciences (IVH) at the University of Copenhagen.

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 PAS is dedicated to;

  • Research on a high, international level within neuroanatomy, neurodegenerative disorders, electrophysiology, the cardiovascular system, biomechanics, animal welfare, disease models, pathogenesis evaluation, veterinary pathologist diagnostics.

    We have established pluripotent (iPSC) stem cells from animals and humans and used CRISPR/Cas9 to develop in vitro models for neuronal and cardiac tissue. We have advanced electrophysiological technics including patch clamp from brain slices, multiple electrodes arrays and bio-impedance recorders. We have developed experimental for testing novel antibiotics ability to prevent biofilm formation on bone implants.

    For a more information, please follow the links below.

  • Veterinary Contingency, partly consulting cases for the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration, partly veterinary Contingency which receives all cadavers and organs for observation of notifiable animal diseases. Furthermore we are responsible for the surveillance of cattle abortion and the surveillance of TSE (BSE and scrapie) in Denmark.
    • Teaching. The teaching of the section is vital to the veterinary bachelor and master programme as well as to the Animal Science programme. We prepare the students for research, diagnostics and clinical work. We educate master students and PhD students on a high, international level within the research areas of the section.
      • Students are welcome to contact us for available projects.

      Research Groups

      The section consists of 6 research groups: Veterinary Pathology, Experimental Pathology, Pathology of small animals and wild life, Disease Stem Cell Models and Embryology, Brain Development and Disease and Physiology. 






      Drawing of the entrance to pathologyResearch areas: Animal welfare, lesions and inflammation, animal diseases, diagnostic pathology, comparative infection pathology, fungi, virus, parasite and bacteria infections, animal models, implants, biofilm and alternatives for antibiotics. 

      • Professor Henrik Elvang Jensen,
      • Associate professor Páll Leifsson,
      • Associate professor Mette Sif Hansen,
      • Assistant professor Kristiane Barington




      The research group of Experimental Pathology studies artificially induced, or naturally occurring, pathological processes through macroscopic and microscopic examinations of organs, tissues and cells. The vision is to reveal and visualize disease mechanisms of both human and animal diseases and, thereby, contribute to development of new diagnostic, prognostic, prophylactic and therapeutic technologies. Our missions are:

      • To develop animal models of human diseases and characterize them comprehensively through macroscopic and microscopic investigations. 
      • To apply animal models of human diseases in diagnostic, prognostic, prophylactic and therapeutic studies.
      • To use molecular pathology to identify and investigate disease mechanisms in well characterized animal models, or in tissue samples from animals or humans with a specific natural occurring disease of interest.

      Read more about the group



      Research area: Contingency and notifiable animal diseases, diagnostics of and surveillance of fur animals, wild life pathology and surveillance, gut health and microbiota, wound infections and biofilm in wounds, alternatives to antibiotics (probiotica, wound treatment, selection and immunological toughness). 

      READ MORE (in Danish)



      Research area: Our group is focused on disease modelling using state of the art stem cell approaches for neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer’s disease, Frontotemporal dementia, Parkinson’s disease), Epilepsy and Glaucoma. These projects work with human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC), CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing neuronal and glial differentiation and downstream analyses in 2D and 3D organoids.

      Likewise, we are interested in iPSC models from animals and we are running projects making canine iPSC to understand and make in vitro models of canine cognitive dysfunction as well as making immune-evasive porcine iPSC to improve transplantation studies.

      Our research on cerebral vascular (dys-)function in hypertension, aging and obesity/diabetes is focused on their significance as risk factors for several types of dementia, including vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease.

      Our focus in embryology is on early events in oocyte and sperm development, reproduction and manipulation of such events to increase life stock sustainability and animal welfare. 




      Research area: The group of Brain Development and Disease’s primary vision is to determine novel mechanisms involved in neurodevelopment and neurodegenerative diseases. Our primary research is currently focused on the cellular mapping of the developing entorhinal cortex (the brain’s spatial navigation and processing system). We also use pluripotent and neural stem cells, as well brains from the human and pig to model human brain development and to investigate diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease. The group incorporates cutting edge technologies, including, single cell RNA sequencing and direct programming of stem cells to produce different brain cells in a dish from both healthy and diseased individuals.




      Research areas; We have a shared interest in excitable cells and contractile tissue. The research in this group falls into two main categories: Excitable Cells and Biomechanics.

      Exitable Cells

      The molecular basis for the transport of ions, water and nutrients, ion channels, electrophysiology, pharmacological treatment, action potentials, cardiac arrhythmias, epilepsy, migraine, evolution of the electrical signaling in the mammalian heart, stem cells derived organoids


      Fascia, locomotor system, biomechanics, lateral raphe, thoracolumbar fascia, acoustic myography, multi-frequency bioimpedance, isolated tissue bath studies, rheumatology, sports medicine, geriatrics, structural anatomy and pathology

      • Associate professor Kirstine Callø,
      • Professor Dan Klærke,
      • Associate professor Vibeke Sødring Elbrønd,
      • Associate professor Adrian Harrison
      • Associate professor Jessica Pingel

















































      We have highly specialised Core facilities which perform diagnostic pathology, stem cell technologies.

      Pathology CORE

      The Histo-Laboratory assists scientists in processing tissue samples for histochemical and molecular based procedures. In the Histo-Laboratory state-of the art histotechnology is offered by a team of specialized technicians.

      In research projects, optimal results are obtained when the laboratory is contacted as early as possible in the planning of the in vivo part of the project; allowing the technicians to help determine how histological approach can best support the research aim.

      Paraffin embedding, sectioning and staining of tissues. Embedding and sectioning services are based on standard protocols. Tissues are fixed and embedded in paraffin blocks, which are used for a variety of analyses, e.g., histochemical staining (HE, PAS, GMS etc.), immunohistochemistry (IHC), and in-situ hybridization (ISH), PCR, etc. Apart from stained sections, also paraffin blocks and the unstained sections can be provided. 

      Kontakt: Betina Andersen, eller Elisabeth Petersen, Tlf 35333106.

      Veterinary contingency

      Contact information:

      The veterinary contingency - phone number 9350 9280 - can be contacted 8:00-16:00 on working days. 

      Non urgent inquiries can be mailed to:  

      Contact person: Anne- Sofie Hammer,

      Stem cell and TEM core

      Anubis Core


      Head of Section Kirstine Callø

      Head of Section

      Kirstine Callø
      Associate Professor

      Phone +45 61 66 64 02

      Employees at Section

      Internal researchers

      Name Title Phone E-mail
      Abdi, Ramla Bashe Mohamed Research Assistant E-mail
      Andersen, Betina Gjedsted Biomedical Laboratory Scientist +4535336737 E-mail
      Andersen, Frederik Attendant FU +4535336735 E-mail
      Andersen, Katrine Bülow Randløv Teacher´s Assistant +4535328918 E-mail
      Andersen, Laura Simone Laboratory Technician Trainee +4535321065 E-mail
      Andersen, Sofie Amalie Flintholm PhD Fellow +4535328744 E-mail
      Barington, Kristiane Associate Professor +4535333112 E-mail
      Becker, Cecilie Brandt PhD Fellow +4535337580 E-mail
      Birch, Julie Knippel Melsted Assistant Professor - Tenure Track +4535334728 E-mail
      Birk, Amanda Øpstun Research Assistant +4535335431 E-mail
      Blirup-Plum, Sophie Amalie Assistant Professor +4535331513 E-mail
      Brok, Dennis Attendant FU +4535333101 E-mail
      Bækgård, Cecilie PhD Fellow +4535326909 E-mail
      Callø, Kirstine Associate Professor - Promotion Programme E-mail
      Chandrasekaran, Abinaya Assistant Professor +4535328080 E-mail
      Christensen, Vibeke Grøsfjeld Laboratory Technician +4535332562 E-mail
      Dittlau, Katarina Stoklund Postdoc +4535320635 E-mail
      Dyre, Røsle Elisabeth Teacher´s Assistant E-mail
      Eiersted, Anna Cecilie Boldt Laboratory Technician +4535337069 E-mail
      Elbrønd (Bibs), Vibeke Sødring Associate Professor +4535332548 E-mail
      Enevoldsen, Sara PhD Fellow E-mail
      Fenner, Merle Friederike Assistant Professor +4535333300 E-mail
      Flyger, Christoffer Kirkelund PhD Fellow E-mail
      Francia, Luca Teacher´s Assistant E-mail
      Frederiksen, Henriette Reventlow S Postdoc +4535336165 E-mail
      Freude, Kristine Professor +4535330937 E-mail
      Grycel, Katarzyna External Postdoc E-mail
      Gulmann, Adam Teacher´s Assistant E-mail
      Hald, Jonas Laugård PhD Fellow +4535328983 E-mail
      Halgirsson, Brandur Teacher´s Assistant E-mail
      Hammer, Anne Sofie Vedsted Associate Professor +4535333129 E-mail
      Hansen, Mette Sif Associate Professor +4535326468 E-mail
      Hansen, Vibeke Bøgelund Attendant E-mail
      Hansen, Charlotte Teacher´s Assistant E-mail
      Hansen, Line Sofia Nordahl Teacher´s Assistant E-mail
      Harpf, Verena Elke Postdoc +4535332315 E-mail
      Harrison, Adrian Paul Associate Professor E-mail
      Hartmann, Katrine Top PhD Fellow +4535331206 E-mail
      Haulund, Marie Louise Attendant FU +4535334925 E-mail
      Henriksen, Nicole Lind Postdoc +4535336506 E-mail
      Holm, Peter Associate Professor Emeritus +4535332885 E-mail
      Hvidtfeldt, Esther Johanne Teacher´s Assistant E-mail
      Hydeskov, Helle Bernstorf Assistant Professor E-mail
      Jensen, Louise Kruse Professor +4535336192 E-mail
      Jensen, Betina Wingreen Special Consultant +4535334704 E-mail
      Jensen, Jan Lykke Attendant E-mail
      Jensen, Henrik Elvang Professor +4535333100 E-mail
      Jensen, Lars Jørn Associate Professor +4535332563 E-mail
      Jensen, Tim Kåre Senior Adviser E-mail
      Jepsen, Milla Cecilie Laboratory Assistant +4535331779 E-mail
      Jørgensen, Mads Neergaard Teacher´s Assistant E-mail
      Kadlecová, Marion PhD Fellow +4535332030 E-mail
      Klærke, Dan Arne Professor +4535332511 E-mail
      Kragh, Benedicte Section Secretary +4535333105 E-mail
      Kromann, Sofie Assistant Professor - Tenure Track +4535326918 E-mail
      Lausten, Marie Sandholdt Teacher´s Assistant +4535329738 E-mail
      Leifsson, Páll Skúli Associate Professor +4535333114 E-mail
      Lindberg, Lucas Alexander Teacher´s Assistant +4535324987 E-mail
      Lübbers, Nanna Sand Research Assistant +4535337667 E-mail
      Menezes, Niels Alvaro Postdoc E-mail
      Mohamed, Fadumo Abdullahi Research Assistant +4535325198 E-mail
      Møller, Steffen Kjær Hemmingsen Teacher´s Assistant E-mail
      Nørgaard, Laura Marqvard Teacher´s Assistant E-mail
      Olesen, Sasja Teacher´s Assistant E-mail
      Oskarsson, Chichi N. Laboratory Technician. +4535332288 E-mail
      Ovesen, Maibritt Træholt PhD Fellow +4535330362 E-mail
      Pedersen, Meline Bella Teacher´s Assistant E-mail
      Peterlin, Anton Alexander Nolte PhD Fellow +4535329486 E-mail
      Petersen, Elisabeth Wairimu Laboratory Technician +4535336757 E-mail
      Petersen, Natasha Silijae Drejer Teacher´s Assistant E-mail
      Petersen, Johanne Essy Teacher´s Assistant E-mail
      Pingel, Jessica Visitor +4535327338 E-mail
      Quaade, Michelle Lauge Research Assistant +4535334685 E-mail
      Ralbovszki, Dorottya Maria External, Ph.d Student +4535325434 E-mail
      Rasmussen, Mette Kristine Attendant FU +4535329591 E-mail
      Rosengren, Laura Bjerre Teacher´s Assistant +4535333508 E-mail
      Saruhanian, Sarkis External, Ph.d Student +4535327472 E-mail
      Sathya Narayanan, Udhaya Bhaskar Postdoc +4535329690 E-mail
      Scheel, Cecilie Engelbrecht Holm Student FU +4535330882 E-mail
      Schelde, Ellen Sofie Teacher´s Assistant E-mail
      Storm, Amanda Teacher´s Assistant E-mail
      Sønderby, Laura Teacher´s Assistant E-mail
      Tao, Ruixin PhD Student E-mail
      Thiesgaard, Liv Carolina Wichmann Teacher´s Assistant E-mail
      Thomsen, Preben Dybdahl Emeritus +4535332545 E-mail
      Westfall, Jesse James PhD Fellow +4535323550 E-mail
      Williams, Emilie Danielle Madsen Laboratory Assistant +4535334392 E-mail
      Zhang, Beijia Visiting Student E-mail
      von Rühden, Caroline Ignatz Attendant FU E-mail
      von Spreckelsen, Alexander PhD Fellow E-mail