Spatial and temporal patterns of Lyme Neuroborreliosis on Funen, Denmark from 1995-2014

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In Europe, Lyme neuroborreliosis (LNB) is the most severe manifestation of Lyme borreliosis and has recently been added to the communicable disease surveillance list for EU/EEA by the European Commission. In Northern Europe, LNB is primarily caused by the spirochete Borrelia garinii and transmitted by the tick Ixodes ricinus. This Danish observational epidemiologic case-control study includes every identified LNB patient (n = 401) on Funen, Denmark, from 1995-2014. We display spatial and temporal LNB incidence variation, seasonal distribution of cases and local spatial case clustering. Seasonal patterns show LNB symptom-onset peaking in July and a significant seasonal difference in number of cases (p < 0.01). We found no significant change in seasonality patterns over time when dividing the study period into 5-year intervals. We identified a significant local geographical hot-spot of cases with a relative risk of 2.44 (p = 0.013). Analysis revealed a significantly shorter distance to nearest forest for cases compared with controls (p < 0.001). We present a novel map of the focal geographical distribution of LNB cases in a high endemic borreliosis area. Continued studies of case clustering in the epidemiology of LNB are of key importance in guiding intervention strategies.

TidsskriftScientific Reports
Udgave nummer1
Antal sider8
StatusUdgivet - 2020

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