Characterization, Cure Rates and Associated Risks of Clinical Mastitis in Northern Germany

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The control of clinical mastitis on dairy farms is an essential part of animal health management. Knowledge of the causative microorganisms, the cure rates achievable in the field and essential associated factors are crucial for proper control. The objectives of the present study were to characterize clinical mastitis cases in Germany and to analyze factors influencing cure rates and the recurrence rate. Milk samples of every clinical mastitis case occurring on 12 participating farms were examined cytomicrobiologically. Post-treatment quarter samples were taken after 14 and 21 days. Treatments were performed according to existing farm protocols. Of 2883 clinical mastitis cases, the most prevalent pathogens were Streptococcus (S.) uberis (20.2%) and coliforms (11.6%). In 35% of the milk samples, no bacteriological growth was detected. The overall bacteriological cure rate was 73.3%,whilethecytologicalcureratewas22.3%,thefullcurerate21.4%andtherecurrencerate18.8%. Regarding the pathogen distribution of severe mastitis, coliform bacteria were detected in 30.5% of the cases, whereas S.uberis was detected in 26.5% thereof. The results show that severe mastitis is caused almost as frequently by Gram-positive as by Gram-negative microorganisms. The low cytologicalcureratesshowthatthetherapyneedstobefurtherdevelopedwithregardtocalmingthe inflammation. The obtained data can be very helpful in assessing internal mastitis scenarios and the effect of measures and therapies.
TidsskriftVeterinary Sciences
Udgave nummer4
Antal sider17
StatusUdgivet - 3 nov. 2020

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